FCC Highlights State EAS Plans: What Your Station Needs To Know and Do

  • Posted by Kevin Ruppenthal
  • July 9, 2019

FCC Highlights State EAS Plans: What Your Station Needs To Know and Do

On July 2, the FCC published a blog post about the importance of being familiar with your state EAS plan (available at www.fcc.gov/news-events/blog/2019/07/02/state-emergency-managers-know-your-state-emergency-alert-system-plans).

In the post, you will see a link to a very useful FCC webpage that collects all of the different state EAS plans that have been approved by the FCC (check out www.fcc.gov/public-safety-and-homeland-security/policy-and-licensing-division/alerting/general/state-eas-plans).

Stations are encouraged to review their state EAS plan to ensure they are familiar with the plan and in full compliance with its provisions. The importance of reviewing your state EAS plan this month is particularly important due to the upcoming nationwide EAS test on August 7.