Budget: $39,504.00

East Fork Pottery delves into the emotional life of a potter as he struggles with expectation, artistic desire and innate need to find his soul. Playing on the purposeful pace of Alex’s world, the cinematography, editing, lighting and music were sculpted with the same patient stride. Shots are tightly framed focusing on the grit, power and beauty of the artist’s hands in the clay.Alex slowly grows as a potter and an individual with each completed cycle. Neither pot nor artist are ever perfect in nature and as humans we can not be defined by the expectation of our outcome but rather are products of what happens along the way.

WATCH: http://video.uctv.org/video/2365212421

The people who made it: Morgan Potts, producer; Mike Burke, videography; Karen Pearce, audio; Steve Price, lighting

Awards Judges panel said …

It took a storytelling master to make this. The narration, the camera angles, the poetic transitions, the surprise twist 2/3rds of the way through, and the music - a masterful combination.

There is not one flaw, not even one quibble on the production values. Exquisite. It rewards the viewer for paying attention to detail, and gives an
excellent sense of the pottery-making process.

The slow build to the revelation of the artist's full name and his famous lineage worked well. By the time you find out that he is related to Matisse, you are already hooked into Alex’s story.