A 2016 NETA award winner, WHRO's Wall of Faces strives to ensure every Virginian listed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial has a photo.

The people who made this: Nancy Rogan, Heather Mazzoni, Dina Richards, and Amy Evans
Budget: Internally funded. No cash out of pocket.

WHRO began a movement to engage communities throughout Virginia to find the remaining 554 photographs for 1,307 Virginian Veterans on The Wall. Partnering with Norfolk and regional resources: television, libraries, nonprofits, civic groups, WHRO reached communities throughout
Virginia. Since the launch, over 50 photos have been found. Powerful stories have been uncovered that vividly tell the personal stories of war, bravery, and tragedy, inspiring others to join the cause.
What the Awards Judges review panel said:

“This isn't a new idea but it is a very well executed one. WHRO knew they could build awareness and engage citizens to find these photos. Great example of the station serving a community need.”

“Their campaign was definitely something that benefitted the community and not the station. It was a true gift to Virginians. The website and the spots created to engage viewers demonstrate terrific production value on a tight budget. Great use of public media resources -- a clear winner!”

“The ongoing project uses the power of public media to honor Virginia's Vietnam veterans and is a part of the station's wider effort over the past two years to bridge the civilian/military divide.”